Welcome to my blog

Spring forward with energy

Spring forward with energy

Hello Springtime!   I hope you are all well, and have been enjoying the signs of Spring so far. How uplifting to feel the warmth of the sun and the days beginning to lengthen. Have you felt the increased surge in energy yet?   Spring is a new beginning, and...

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Water element

Water element

Hello midwinter! The cold well and truly arrived here in Dorset, and we had snow! I hope you’re managing to keep warm and have found moments of calm at what can be a busy time of year.   Winter Solstice is today, the 21st of December, it marks the shortest day...

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Boost immunity this Autumn

Boost immunity this Autumn

Hello Autumn! Such a beautiful time of year. It always takes me some time to adjust to the colder season, but the sunny days and vibrant colours have certainly helped to embrace the changes in lifestyle. Did you welcome it with ease? At the weekend I foraged for...

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Earth element

Earth element

The hot days of summer are winding down. The flowers are fading and the leaves are starting to brown as we prepare for the return to school and work. In Chinese medicine theory, this time of year is known as the Earth element. The season of harvest. Earth element is...

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Fire element.

Fire element.

Hello Summer! The season of expansion. In Traditional Chinese medicine summer is classed as a yang season, and associated with the Fire element. An opportunity to harness light, to create energy and growth - just as the plants do. It’s important to take time to...

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The role of the parasympathetic nervous system in healing

The role of the parasympathetic nervous system in healing

The role of Parasympathetic Nervous System in healing Our autonomic nervous system has two components, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system, which both function unconsciously. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is associated with the...

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Where can you find me?

Weymouth, Dorchester and Bridport.

Home treatments available for people with limited mobility.

Usual working hours 9 - 3pm

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you would like any further information or to book your appointment.

07860 676804
